Everyone loves it
Thanks goes to Joe at Shores Cleaners who loved the idea and product and will help promote our company that based right here in Michigan. He loved the idea of a old fashion shave brush that attaches to a shave can and thought it was so cool he was going to purchase some for his […]
shave brush featured on CBS 2 Chicago news
Legacy Shave Evolution Brush: a shave brush that fits on shaving cans was recently highlighted and featured on CBS 2 Chicago news. While at the IHHS 2017 Legacy Shave was the highlight of the Innovation center, where new innovative inventions were on display. Legacy Shave invention The Evolution Brush booth was the hit booth at […]
Kickstarter we surpassed our goal in 24 hours
This is awesome and really cool. In on 24 hours of launching our Kickstarter we surpassed our goal. This is great and we encourage everyone to check it out and you too can get the shave brush that attaches to shaving cans. This will make a great gift for anyone. Take advantage of our Kickstarter […]
Featured on Sharper Image
So excited to see our Evolution Brush and our Legacy Shave Kit featured on Sharper Image catalog.
Legacy Shave Evolution Brush Wins Top Award
Legacy Shave Evolution Brush was a top award winner at this years ECRM show in Orlando Florida. The Evolution Brush was voted on by the buyers of retail devision for a top new product at this years show.